Are you Florita?
Claim Your ProfileFlorita Valencia
Real Estate Agent at
The Virtual Realty Group
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Agent Highlights
Florita is a SFH expert - working with over 81% more single family homes than the average Riverside agent.
Florita is a Short Sale expert - working with over 81% more short sales than the average agent.
Florita's Transactions
- 748 Clearwater Drive, Perris, CA 92571PerrisSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathBuyer$245,00002/04/2021
- 13130 Twinflower Ct, Moreno Valley, CA 92553Moreno ValleySingle Family Home3 bed / 3.0 bathBuyer$375,00005/11/2020
- 4085 Vernon Ave, Riverside, CA 92509Jurupa ValleySingle Family Home5 bed / 2 bathSeller$457,00003/24/2020
- 441 E 3rd St, San Jacinto, Ca 92583San JacintoSingle Family Home1 bed / 1 bathBuyer$130,00003/17/2020Florita helped a buyer purchase this property for 13% under asking price
- 2207 R Carrillo Ct, Calexico, Ca 92231CalexicoSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathSeller$380,00002/28/2020
- 1653 Garden Ln, San Jacinto, Ca 92582San JacintoSingle Family Home8 bed / 3 bathSeller$370,00012/13/2019
- 438 S Sanderson Ave, San Jacinto, Ca 92582San JacintoSingle Family Home3 bed / 3.5 bathBuyer$520,00012/13/2019
More about Florita Valencia
Florita works under The Virtual Realty Group. Florita has worked as a real estate agent for 13 years.
Florita has sold 5.8x the number of single family homes as the average agent in the area.
We have data on 57 of Florita’s transactions. Florita has worked with buyers 75% of the time, and has represented the seller in 31 recorded transactions.
Here’s a little about Florita’s real estate experience:
- Florita recently sold one home for $415,000.
- Florita’s fastest selling home sold in 31 days.
- Florita is an agent who sells homes for top dollar.
- this real estate agent is a top negotiator: they consistently sells homes above their list price.
- this real estate agent sold 267% more homes this year than they did last year.
HomeLight has data on 17 transactions Florita has done in Riverside. Florita has closed 13 more home sales than the average agent in the area.
Florita Valencia's Reviews & Ratings
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Florita Valencia