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Real Estate Agent at
Gulf South Real Estate Solutions, Llc
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Agent Highlights
Macy gets the job done - completing more sales than the average Chalmette agent.
Macy's Transactions
- 4517 Tracy Street, Meraux, LA 70075MerauxSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer/Seller08/23/2024
- 2400 Riverland Drive, Chalmette, LA 70043ChalmetteSingle Family Home3 bed / 1 bathSeller07/11/2024
- 3845 Dominique Drive, Chalmette, LA 70043ChalmetteSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathBuyer07/01/2024
- 2120 N River Park Drive, Violet, LA 70092VioletSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer02/16/2024
- 70 Pecan Grove, Meraux, LA 70075MerauxSingle Family Home5 bed / 3 bathBuyer01/12/2024
- 2320 Cypress Street, Meraux, LA 70075MerauxSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer07/21/2023Macy helped a buyer purchase this property for 16% under asking price
- 3904 Mumphrey Road, Chalmette, LA 70043ChalmetteSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer07/13/2023
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Macy works under Gulf South Real Estate Solutions, Llc.
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