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Claim Your ProfileMary Cobb Stone
Real Estate Agent at
Harry Norman Realtors - Atlanta
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Mary Cobb's Transactions
- 5872 Lake Rabun Road, Lakemont, GA 30552LakemontSingle Family Home4 bed / 4 bathBuyer$1,300,00006/09/2022Mary Cobb helped a buyer purchase this property for 10% under asking price
- 497 Oscar Rock Rd, Clayton, GA 30525ClaytonSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller$865,00008/30/2021
- 987 Kings Row, Lakemont, GA 30552LakemontSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller$1,117,00005/07/2021
- 189 Wexford WayLakemontSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathSeller$270,00010/14/2020
- 80 Gander LaneLakemontSingle Family Home6 bed / 7.0 bathSeller$1,150,00010/09/2020
- 82 Guy Hall LnLakemontSingle Family Home5 bed / 4 bathSeller$2,216,50010/07/2020
- 649 Tame Turkey Rd, Lakemont, Ga 30552Tallulah FallsSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathSeller$251,50001/17/2020
More about Mary Cobb Stone
Mary Cobb is a real estate agent with Harry Norman Realtors - Atlanta. Mary Cobb has been in the real estate business for 31 years.
Mary Cobb has sold 6.84x the number of single family homes as the average agent in the area.
We have data on 19 of Mary Cobb’s transactions. This real estate agent most often represents the seller (73% of the time), but they also have experience representing the buyer side of transactions, with 7 deals recorded.
Here’s a little about Mary Cobb’s real estate experience:
- Mary Cobb has sold homes for as much as $3,000,000.
- Mary Cobb’s fastest selling home sold in 23 days.
HomeLight has data on 13 transactions Mary Cobb has done in Tallulah Falls. Mary Cobb has closed 8 more home sales than the average agent in the area. Mary Cobb is a skilled luxury real estate agent whose listings tend to sell for 2.0 the average home price in the area.
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