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  • Meet top agents in your area
  • Work with agents that have relevant experience
  • Sell your property faster and for more
  • Get up to a $2,500 rebate at closing*

Brett Wasserman

Law Offices of Marc A. Bronstein, A PLC
More about Brett »

HomeLight provides free data-driven real estate agent recommendations so you can find the perfect agent.

Here's how our service works:

  • 1.

    We'll reach out to verify your details and answer any questions you may have.

  • 2.

    Based on your criteria, we match you to top real estate agents working in your area.

  • 3.

    We’ll make the introductions and you hire the perfect real estate agent!

  • 4.

    Your attorney is kept informed throughout the process.

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A HomeLight concierge will reach out to confirm your details and connect you with specialized real estate agents who meet your criteria.

We use historical and public real estate transaction data to identify the top performing real estate agents in your area. Learn more.

Thousands Use HomeLight to Find Their Real Estate Agents

Meet only the top performing agents

We analyze over 30 million transactions and reviews to determine which agent is best for you based on your needs.

Free and unbiased

Our service is 100% free, with no catch. Agents don't pay us to be listed, so you get the best match.

Save time and hassle

It takes just two minutes to match you with the best real estate agents, who will contact you and guide you through the process.

How HomeLight Finds Top Agents Near You

Start with data

HomeLight is the leading resource for finding objective agent performance data online. We use this to predict who will bring the most experience, expertise and negotiating power to your home transaction.

Get your input

Real estate is personal. Answer a few questions about your property and your needs and we include that information into our analysis.

Crunch the numbers

Our machine learning matching engine analyzes over 30 million transactions, 2 million agents and 450 thousand brokerages to come up with an objective list of the best agents for your needs.

Personalized recommendations

View each agent's expertise and experience in detail, work with our concierge, and meet with the best fit.

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Brett Wasserman

Law Offices of Marc A. Bronstein, A PLC

Contact 450-7361

Brett Wasserman Partners with HomeLight to Bring You Better Service

An Associate Attorney at the Law Offices of Marc A. Bronstein, A PLC located in Santa Monica, CA, Mr. Wasserman handles matters in the fields of estate planning, probate, entity formation, real estate, and contracts. Mr. Wasserman is also Of Counsel at Shumaker Mallory, LLP handling civil litigation and bankruptcy matters. Prior to passing the Bar Exam, Mr. Wasserman gaining valuable legal experience as a law clerk in the field of Workers' Compensation.

Visit Brett's Website

*Special Offer for Brett Wasserman's Clients

Get $100 back for each $100,000 in the final sale price of your home, up to $2,500.