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Real Estate Agent at
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Agent Highlights
Anita J has great Condo experience - having sold 10 more condos than the average agent.
Anita J is a SFH expert - working with over 74% more single family homes than the average Princeton agent.
Anita J's Transactions
- 1400 Taylor, Evansville, IN 47714EvansvilleSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathSeller$147,00001/30/2025
- 1109 State, Vincennes, IN 47591VincennesSingle Family Home3 bed / 1 bathSeller$95,00001/24/2025
- 504 E Clark, Owensville, IN 47665OwensvilleSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer$92,00001/13/2025Anita J helped a buyer purchase this property for 16% under asking price
- 504 E Clark, Owensville, IN 47665OwensvilleSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer$92,00001/09/2025Anita J helped a buyer purchase this property for 16% under asking price
- 3004 Tremont, Evansville, IN 47710EvansvilleSingle Family Home3 bed / 1 bathBuyer$90,00012/26/2024Anita J helped a buyer purchase this property for 18% under asking price
- 1259 N Main, Princeton, IN 47670PrincetonSingle Family Home3 bed / 4.0 bathSeller$432,00012/23/2024
- 621 Pearl, Mount Vernon, IN 47620Mount VernonSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathSeller$55,00012/20/2024
More about Anita J Waldroup
Anita J works under FC TUCKER EMGE REALTORS.
Anita J has sold 10.69x the number of single family homes as the average agent in the area.
We have data on 225 of Anita J’s transactions. Anita J prefers to work with both buyers and sellers.
Here’s a little about Anita J’s real estate experience:
- Anita J has sold homes for as much as $640,000.
- this real estate agent is skilled in fast home sales: they have listings that have sold in as little as 11 days.
- Anita J is an agent who sells homes for top dollar.
HomeLight has data on 79 transactions Anita J has done in Princeton. Anita J ranks in the top 3% of agents in Princeton. Anita J has closed 70 more home sales than the average agent in the area.
Anita J Waldroup's Reviews & Ratings
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Anita J Waldroup