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Claim Your ProfileDana Archibald
Real Estate Agent at
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Agent Highlights
Dana sells properties fast - selling more than 63% quicker than the average Beaumont agent.
Dana's Transactions
- 3850 Central Pointe Drive, Beaumont, TX 77706BeaumontTownhome3 bed / 2 bathSeller10/29/2024
- 2562 Oilla Road, Orange, TX 77630OrangeSingle Family Home5 bed / 3 bathSeller08/21/2024
- 1350 Sunrise Road, Crystal Beach, TX 77650Crystal BeachSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathBuyer08/20/2024
- 12845 Birch Lane, Beaumont, TX 77713BeaumontSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller08/01/2024
- 124 Crown Ridge, Nederland, TX 77627NederlandSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller07/12/2024
- 624 N 23rd Street, Nederland, TX 77627NederlandSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer12/29/2023
- 624 N 23rd Street, Nederland, TX 77627NederlandSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer12/29/2023
More about Dana Archibald
Dana is a real estate agent. Dana has worked as a real estate agent for 24 years.
Dana is a single family home expert.
We have data on 16 of Dana’s transactions. This real estate agent most often represents the seller (100% of the time), but they also have experience representing the buyer side of transactions, with 2 deals recorded.
Here’s what we know about Dana’s work:
- Dana has sold homes for as much as $324,000.
- Dana has sold homes in as little as 24 days.
- Dana is an agent who sells homes for top dollar.
- this real estate agent is on a home selling roll: their transaction history shows that they have sold 60% more homes this year than last.
HomeLight has data on 12 transactions Dana has done in Beaumont. Dana has closed 7 more home sales than the average agent in the area.
Dana Archibald's Reviews & Ratings
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Dana Archibald