Dodie Wilkins Real Estate Agent at CENTURY 21 Preferred

Dodie Wilkins

Real Estate Agent at
CENTURY 21 Preferred

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Agent Highlights

Dodie has great Condo experience - having sold 4 more condos than the average agent.
Dodie is a SFH expert - working with over 80% more single family homes than the average Mason City agent.

Dodie's Transactions

  • 1793 Olive Ave.
    Single Family Home
  • 1417 N Carolina Pl
    Mason City
    Single Family Home
  • 1005 West State St
    Mason City
    Single Family Home
  • 14 Sumac
    Mason City
    Single Family Home
  • 1350 N Eisenhower
    Mason City
    Single Family Home
  • 408 Bedford Ct.
    Clear Lake
    Single Family Home
  • 312 S Hampshire Pl
    Mason City
    Single Family Home

More about Dodie Wilkins

I look forward to the opportunity to assist you with all your Real Estate needs. I specialize in residential, acreage, farmland, and investment real estate in Mason City, Clear Lake and surrounding North Iowa communities. With an extensive background in Real Estate I strive to stay informed of changing legislation, Real Estate laws and regulations. I was pleased to be a recipient of the Quality Service Producer Award Recipient. This award is achieved by a survey completed by my clients and I thank them for their kindness. I am committed to providing professional and trustworthy service. I guarantee you'll receive the service you deserve. Please call me if you are considering a move! CALL TODAY - I would be happy to assist you with ALL of your Real Estate needs.
Other Certifications

CRS, GRI, CNE, NAR Licensed


Quality Service Award Recipient

License Number


Dodie Wilkins's Reviews & Ratings

Tell us about your experience with
Dodie Wilkins

    • We appreciate all the effort that it took to sell a property at thedistance which it was . We appreciate your understanding ofour feelings as well as the buyerHow can one do better than excellent?As we tried listing this close to home and had no resultswhatsoever, I would have to say that the experience was a bigrelief from past experience

      - Paul and Verna
    • Having used Dodie Wilkins as a realtor in the past whensearching for an acreage in the north central Iowa area, she wasthe first person I called when it was time to sell my house inMason City.Throughout the process of selling my house, Dodie was afountain of knowledge and a pillar of strength to me. She wasalways professional, courteous, patient, friendly, and with hergreat sense of humor she was able to ease my mind during avery stressful time.During a conversation where I mentioned to Dodie that myrealtor out of state, Jill, had advised me on a certain matter,Dodie passionately exclaimed that even though she had not metJill, she respected her as Jill apparently had my best interests atheart and was looking to protect me as her client. Thisstatement from Dodie made me feel more comfortable with myrealtor on the other end... And also reinforced my belief thatDodie is that exact type of realtor herself one that has herclient's best interests at heart.I highly recommend Dodie Wilkins and her team and could nothave had a better experience with any other firm. Thank you,Dodie, from the bottom of my heart for helping me to follow mydreams.

      - Brookelynn
    • She was fantastic! Helped us sell quickly so we could relocate.

      - Katie
    • I was very pleased with the whole process. Property soldquickly and for a great price. Would definitely work with Dodieagain!

      - Tyler J
    • Couldn't ask for better service and speedy results!

      - Barb
    • We are very happy with how the sale of our home was done.The line of communication was excellent between the Dodieand us. We were always kept informed of anything going on.We would highly recommend using Dodie Wilkins to sell yourproperty. She gives her all to make sure the property is sold atthe highest and best selling price. She puts the client's welfarefirst and makes sure your needs and wants are her first concernwhen selling your property. You can not hire a better firm to getyou the best possible sale price.

      - Larry and Donna, Sheffield
    • Great person who is professional and there was a lot ofconfidence in herShe was great and I will use her again and recommend toeveryone.Great experience.

      - Dan, Mason City
    • Dodie Wilkins is an outstanding person. Who cares about herjob and more importantly cares about the ones she is serving.She truly wants whats best for her clients and will go out of herway to meet there needs. I would work with Dodie again in aheart beat. She is someone you can trust to get the job doneand to get it done right. She is honest, kind, understanding anda good listner. She is fare a just and is not afraid to stand up forwhat is right. You know you are in good hands with DodieWilkins

      - Rachel, Mason City
    • Dodie went above & beyond for us. We appreciate her so muchand couldn't ask for a better realtor. She truly cares about usand our family and doesn't look at us as a paycheck. We wouldnever choose a different realtor & would recommend her to all ofour family & friends. Thank you Dodie!

      - Lee and Kayla, Clear Lake