Elanita Barfield
Real Estate Agent at
RE/MAX Agents Realty 2180 Elm St NE, Covington, GA 30014
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Elanita's Transactions
- 407 Sandy CT, Macon, GA 31217MaconSingle Family Home4 bed / 2 bathBuyer/Seller$167,00010/30/2024
- 1030 Weaver Jones RD, Rutledge, GA 30663RutledgeSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathBuyer$490,00010/03/2024
- 543 Forsyth Yatesville RD, Yatesville, GA 31097YatesvilleSingle Family Home3 bed / 3.0 bathBuyer$374,90009/26/2024
- 364 S Cherokee RD, Social Circle, GA 30025Social CircleSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathSeller$280,00008/19/2024
- 95 Skyline DR, Covington, GA 30014CovingtonSingle Family Home5 bed / 4.0 bathSeller$449,00007/25/2024
- 111 Spring Creek BLVD, Mcdonough, GA 30253McDonoughSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathBuyer$324,00005/06/2024
- 211 Hickory GLN, Centerville, GA 31028CentervilleSingle Family Home4 bed / 2 bathSeller$245,00005/03/2024
More about Elanita Barfield
We’ve recorded data for 64 of Elanita’s transactions. This real estate agent most often represents the seller (64% of the time), but they also have experience representing the buyer side of transactions, with 27 deals recorded.
Here’s a little about Elanita’s real estate experience:
- Elanita has sold homes for as much as $235,000.
- Elanita’s fastest selling home sold in 25 days.
- this real estate agent is on a home selling roll: their transaction history shows that they have sold 33% more homes this year than last.
HomeLight has data on 16 transactions Elanita has done in Monticello. Elanita has closed 12 more home sales than the average agent in the area.
Elanita Barfield's Reviews & Ratings
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Elanita Barfield