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Jake Cole Real Estate Agent at 850 Properties - Destin

Jake Cole

Real Estate Agent at
850 Properties - Destin

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Agent Highlights

Jake has great Condo experience - having sold 71 more condos than the average agent.

Jake's Transactions

More about Jake Cole

Jake works under 850 Properties - Destin.
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Jake Cole's Reviews & Ratings

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Jake Cole

  • Jake showed me homes

      Take my advice & use a different realtor. He is terrible. Lies after lies. His skills are so deficient that he tries to create fake urgency to entice you to make an offer. When you don’t fall for his rookie tricks.. he belittles you and tells you that you aren’t a serious buyer. Keep in mind this guy has our pre-approval in hand. Worst experience ever with a realtor! he should be be fired for the tactics he uses. 850properties should be embarrassed to have this guy representing their company. #getridofthisjoke I have all the text and emails to prove this.. just message me. If 850 properties wants to see this guys underhanded and snake oil salesman tactics just contact us. We have them all. Jake you won’t get a dime of our money and hopefully you lose every client you are representing. Your skills are ranked a 1 on a sale of 1 to 10. Garbage realtor. Run!!! Fast!! Stay away from Jake Cole!!!! This guy brought insult after insult. Started telling us we need to find an older property and redo it because he thought we were serious buyers. Told us he talked us up to the seller. I have all his insults on text. Garbage realtor. What a joke.. my 10 year old has more skills than this clown. Jake does 4-5 houses a year by accident. Rookie numbers. don’t hire this fool

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