Jan Wright
Real Estate Agent at
Realty Concepts, Ltd
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Agent Highlights
Jan gets the job done - completing more sales than the average Fresno agent by 12%.
Jan is a SFH expert - working with over 71% more single family homes than the average Fresno agent.
Jan is a Short Sale expert - working with over 71% more short sales than the average agent.
Jan's Transactions
- 4458 Mecca Ave #193, Clovis, CA 93619ClovisSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathSeller$489,59809/16/2024
- 3956 Buttercup Rd #10, Madera, CA 93636MaderaSingle Family Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller$449,00009/06/2024
- 14317 Pine Knob Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93306BakersfieldSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathBuyer$345,00008/23/2024
- 528 University Dr #137, Lemoore, CA 93245LemooreSingle Family HomeSeller$456,80008/16/2024
- 4429 Mecca Ave #208, Clovis, CA 93619ClovisSingle Family HomeSeller$463,44908/15/2024
- 1021 Pioneer Dr W #286, Madera, CA 93636MaderaSingle Family HomeSeller$491,40008/14/2024
- 863 Cathedral Ct S #232, Madera, CA 93636MaderaSingle Family HomeSeller$526,59907/12/2024
More about Jan Wright
Jan has been a licensed real estate agent in California for 12 years and is currently with Realty Concepts, Ltd in Fresno. Jan's coverage area includes Fresno, Visalia, Sunnyside, Tulare, Clovis and Hanford. HomeLight ranks Jan as one of the top 1% of agents in Fresno for successfully selling homes and as one of the top 10% of agents who are able to successfully complete transactions.
Our database shows that Jan has completed 736 transactions since 2009, representing the buyer in 12% of those transactions and the seller in 88% of them. Jan has been most prolific in Fresno including representing the seller of a single family home at 1583 E Golden Valley Way Fresno, Ca 93730 that sold for $868,000 in one transaction and a buyer of a single family home that sold for $360,182 in another.
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