Mike Mcavoy
Real Estate Agent at
Mcavoy Realty
Agent Highlights
Mike's Transactions
- Florissant, MOSingle Family HomeSeller12/23/2024
- Florissant, MOSingle Family HomeSeller12/05/2024
- Columbia, ILSingle Family HomeBuyer$356,00011/08/2024
- Florissant, MOSingle Family HomeSeller08/21/2024
- Maryland Heights, MOSingle Family HomeSeller06/21/2024
- Florissant, MOSingle Family HomeSeller05/30/2024Mike outperformed the market - selling this property for 13% over asking price
- Florissant, MOSingle Family HomeSeller03/28/2024
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Mike Mcavoy
- Mike never responded to my request
The items I am mentioning need to be stated as it relates to the quality of construction, or lack thereof, that I have experienced from purchasing a property from Michael R McAvoy aka MICA Development LLC aka McAvoy Realty. All are truths and documentation that illustrate the caliber of business practices I experienced from this business. My wife and I purchased the property on 7/17/2015 from McAvoy. Prior to purchasing, the single family residence at 704 Country Manor Lane in Creve Coeur Missouri was a single owner home that was purchased by McAvoy Realty from the bank. McAvoy renovated the home in preparation for sale. Over time, various quality issues and violations were realized which would have never passed a city inspection. Upon further research, calling the City of Creve Coeur I was advised the only permit pulled was for a deck. This is a practice where an inspection form is placed in the window and remained while also working on the interior without the city's knowledge. The sales contract contains a Seller Disclosure Form which failed to advise of the issues I have run into. Item #2 in the form states "Seller has had the following improvements, maintenance or repairs performed on the property" which states "Interior and Exterior painting; New lighting fixtures; New tile and carpet flooring; New bathrooms, toilets, vanity; new kitchen; new cabinets; plus completion of misc. repairs, etc". All of which would require a permit as the electrical and plumbing were modified. Below is a list of items I have found as concealed and not disclosed in our sales contract. The most recent item discovered is the foundation issue dated January 12th 2021. See below for details. 1) FOUNDATION ISSUES: The foundation on the property McAvoy flipped looked amazing at time of purchase. The walls were painted but there were no obvious signs of issues other than a small leak that was noticed at rear foundation where meets floor. Over time, horizontal cracks started opening up on all four walls of the foundation. I then realized that major issues were filled with concrete patch then filled with drywall mud and painted. All issues were knowingly concealed and never disclosed. Drywall mud is not to be used to fix horizontal cracking of the foundation, it is meant to hide. And painting over top adds to the concealment. When my wife and I were looking for a home, anything with foundation issues we walked away from. I am having a legitimate foundation repair company fix the foundation. My foundation contractor is Terry Leach with B.R.S Basement Repair Services. When grinding he stated that he was surprised to see the unethical work that was done. Proper repair is epoxy resin injection. He stated they knew of these conditions when flipped, when grinding, the fill came out and the exposed rebar was visible. The condition was there when the fill was applied by McAvoy. The walls had no cracking when we purchased the property. I have everything documented with photographs which illustrate a layer of drywall mud filling horizontal cracking on all four walls of the foundation. Terry Leach provided a Foundation Evaluation that details his findings. The foundation evaluation is dated 1/12/2021 and is attached. 2) STRUCTURAL ISSUE / ELECTRICAL ITEM: To center a can light in the newly installed shower they cut a chunk out of the structural roof joist in the attic as the joist ran directly above the ceiling. Cutting a section out of a structural roof truss is not something any legitimate contractor would do. If this is done, the correct way to repair and maintain the structural integrity of the joist would be to reinforce by adding additional structure to carry the load, which they did not do. If McAvoy pulled permits, the electrical portion would have failed. I have photos documenting my findings. 3) ELECTRICAL ISSUE: Shortly after moving in the power in the wall in the kitchen went out. My electrician was shocked to see what was done. Inside the wall, the main wire coming up from the electrical panel was cut behind the stove. Three wires were exposed, twined and wrapped in electrical tape. The tape melted and the wires separated within the wall. My electrician stated that this condition could have burned the house down. There was another location where this occurred within another wall that I removed. I have this documented with photos of both locations. Again, if permits were pulled when McAvoy did the work this would have never passed. 4) ROOF ISSUES: When I closed on the property one of the counters was repairing the roof correctly. Building Inspection Addendum A1 to sales contract for 704 Country Manor Lane states "1-Seller to install new roof, replace flashing and any damaged wood at leaks." When I began having issues I referred to the paid invoice from McAvoy (Which took me weeks to obtain, finally stating without the paid invoice I don't have the shingle warranty and I will not close). Kurt from AJAN LLC is on the invoice document billed to McAvoy but when I called the number it was disconnected. If you google the address 10708 Lilac Ave 63137 as indicated on the repair invoice it is an empty lot. My roof has had to have OVER $5,000 worth of repair work (All documented) after the "new roof" was installed prior to occupancy. I have had my roofer out five times after moving in. AJAN LLC appears to be an illegitimate business who scraped the edges off, leaving the roof untouched in the middle and not properly fixing the conditions per the signed contract. If you are unaware, this roofing technique is a scam where the edges of the existing old shingles are removed about 3 feet off the fascia edge and the remaining old shingles and plywood remains un-touched and un-inspected in the middle. Then the new shingles are laid over and at the edge it appears as one layer of shingles and the middle is 2 layers. Legitimate contractors would not do this. It is fraudulent per the specific written instruction and signed Building Inspection Addendum A1 to Sales Contract on our counter. This was done to limit cost at closing and sell the property. SUMMARY: The city of Creve Coeur only has a deck permit pulled during the time McAvoy assumed the property and worked on the inside of the home. This is concealment, only pulling a deck permit, gives the ability to post the permit in the window to trick the city when they drive by they think your only working on the deck when inside your violating code and building practices and nothing inside gets inspected. Furthermore, the elderly couple that lived here prior passed away and the home was not modified, painted, or worked on prior to McAvoy assuming ownership from the bank. ** It was requested on Exhibit "A" of Inspection Notice (buyer request) line #3, "Seller to have licensed plumber repair sewer stack leak." Inspection Notice (Seller Reply) line #3 states, "Seller to have plumber on current permit repair leak in stack. There was no permit pulled for interior work during the time McAvoy worked on 704 Country Manor Lane prior to sale. I attached the residential remodel instructions from the City of Creve Coeur. Again, after calling and asking what permits were on file the only one was for the deck during the time McAvoy renovated this property for a massive mark up and maximized profit. I am an architect by trade, commercial projects. I have everything documented, photographed and have a list of costs I have had to assume due to these items. Should you require photographs, letters from my contractors or paid receipts please let me know as I am able to provide. I am aware of construction practices and am astonished to see the blatant disregard for quality and number of construction violations to maximize profit for this property. The items within illustrate unethical practices and consumers need to be made aware. Following identifying these blatant violations of construction practices, concealment of disclosing issues and hiding major repair items, stating in the sales contract renovations were completed yet not a single electrical or plumbing permit was pulled to have properly inspected by Creve Coeur and scraping off the edges of the shingles 3 feet in but not repairing the roof as requested in the signed contract, I believe Michael R McAvoy needs to have his license revoked.
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