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Rayanna's Transactions
- 14451 White Cap Street, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathBuyer/Seller10/31/2024
- 648 County Road 291 Red Bend Road, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home2 bed / 2 bathSeller08/05/2024
- 677 County Road 202, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer08/02/2024
- 1602 County Road 297, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home2 bed / 2.0 bathBuyer/Seller07/26/2024
- 1930 County Road 205, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home3 bed / 3.0 bathSeller07/18/2024
- 2115 County Road 201, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer06/21/2024Rayanna helped a buyer purchase this property for 29% under asking price
- 1727 Private Road 652, Sargent, TX 77414SargentSingle Family Home3 bed / 2.0 bathSeller06/14/2024
More about Rayanna Eury
Rayanna is a real estate agent. Rayanna has worked as a real estate agent for 7 years.
Rayanna has sold 30.26x the number of single family homes as the average agent in the area.
We have data on 68 of Rayanna’s transactions. Rayanna prefers to work with both buyers and sellers.
Here’s what we know about Rayanna’s work:
- Rayanna has sold homes for as much as $500,000.
- Rayanna has sold homes in as little as 34 days.
- Rayanna is an agent who sells homes for top dollar.
HomeLight has data on 44 transactions Rayanna has done in Jones Creek. Rayanna has closed 42 more home sales than the average agent in the area.
Sells Homes Fast 2021
Top Producer 2021
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