Ryan Reynolds
Real Estate Agent at
Keller Williams Consultants Realty
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- First Time Home Buyers
- Foreclosures
- Relocations
- New Construction
- Investment Properties
- Luxury Specialist
- Land Specialist
Agent Highlights
Ryan sells properties fast - selling more than 62% quicker than the average Columbus agent.
Ryan gets the job done - completing more sales than the average Columbus agent.
Ryan has great Condo experience - having sold 53 more condos than the average agent.
Ryan's Transactions
- 676 Overlook DrColumbusSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathSeller$415,00001/28/2022Ryan outperformed the market - selling this property for 12% over asking price
- 1939 OH-257 NOstranderSingle Family Home3 bed / 3 bathBuyer$490,00004/12/2021
- 1966 Camino LaneHilliardCondominium2 bed / 2 bathBuyer$147,00001/25/2021
- 4785 Hoseah StreetColumbusCondominium3 bed / 2 bathSeller$195,00001/22/2021
- 7846 Tree Lake BoulevardPowellSingle Family Home4 bed / 3 bathSeller$397,00001/14/2021
- 5253 Brynwood DriveColumbusSingle Family Home2 bed / 3 bathBuyer$255,00001/11/2021
- 5072 Stoneybrook BoulevardHilliardCondominium2 bed / 2 bathSeller$138,00001/08/2021
More about Ryan Reynolds
My experience as an engineer and real estate manager in Corporate America trained me to pay attention to the details. As your Realtor, my team and I will put our skills to work for you giving you the market knowledge and real estate expertise that you need to make selling your house or buying your next home or investment a success! Specializing in Dublin, Hilliard, Worthington, Powell, Westerville, Lewis Center, Delaware, Marysville, Sunbury, Westerville, Gahanna, New Albany, and all of Greater Columbus.
Did You Know? The Ryan Reynolds Team...
Sells on average 105 homes per year, totaling over $29 million in sales volume? (More than 10x the national average!)
Is ranked in the top 1% out of more than 191,000 Keller Williams agents in the entire world?
Gets 3.01% more $$ of the original list price than the average Columbus real estate agent?
Sells homes on average in 18 days? At the same time, the average Columbus real estate agent takes 57 days!
Ryan Reynolds's Reviews & Ratings
Tell us about your experience with
Ryan Reynolds
- Ryan helped me buy a home
Great experience working with Ryan's team. The home purchasing process, was fast, smooth, and exceeded my expectations. His team consists of friendly and professional associates. I would definitely use Ryan's team again.
- Ryan helped me buy a home
Mandy Rich was very professional to work with. Everything was handled in a timely manner and she was very attentive during the entire process. Mandy helped make the transaction as easy as possible. We highly recommend Mandy.