Thomas Collier
Real Estate Agent at
Howard Hanna
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Agent Highlights
Thomas is a SFH expert - working with over 76% more single family homes than the average Red Creek agent.
Thomas's Transactions
- 6052 Auburn STWolcottSingle Family HomeSeller$100,90004/21/2022
- 45 Albright RDNew HavenSingle Family HomeBuyer$75,00004/19/2022
- 12927 Upton RDVictorySingle Family HomeBuyer/Seller$67,00004/08/2022
- 6648 South STWolcottSingle Family HomeSeller$93,50012/24/2021
- 6876 Main STWolcottSingle Family HomeSeller$190,55009/10/2021
- 533 Wilcox STSterlingSingle Family HomeBuyer/Seller$29,90009/02/2021
- 4982 S Huron STRoseSingle Family HomeSeller$89,90008/02/2021
More about Thomas Collier
Thomas Collier is a licensed real estate agent in New York and is currently with Howard Hanna in Pittsford . Thomas has completed transactions in several areas including Red Creek, Fair Haven, Wolcott, Savannah, Sodus, North Rose, Victory, Cato. HomeLight ranks Thomas as one of the top 1% of agents in Red Creek for successfully selling homes and as one of the top 12% of agents for single family homes.
Our database shows that Thomas has completed 132 transactions since 2009, representing the buyer in 71% of those transactions and the seller in 29% of them. Thomas has transacted in Red Creek more than any other area helping to buy or sell 30 homes including a 3 bedroom, 1.0 bathroom single family home at 11826 Duck Lake Road on June 08, 2011 which sold for $139,900 and a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom single family home at 8313 Caywood Road on April 18, 2011 which sold for $137,000.
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Thomas Collier