Leon Inman
Real Estate Agent at
Carolina Farms & Homes - King
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Agent Highlights
Leon is a SFH expert - working with over 73% more single family homes than the average King agent.
Leon's Transactions
- 5165 Hinsons, Fair Bluff, NC 28439Fair BluffSingle Family Home0 bed / 1 bathBuyer/Seller$315,00008/04/2024
- 1095 Oak View Drive, King, NC 27021KingMobile Manufactured Home3 bed / 2 bathSeller$78,75007/22/2024
- 1096 Hauser Springs Road, Pinnacle, NC 27043PinnacleSingle Family Home4 bed / 5.0 bathSeller$560,00008/07/2023
- 160 Glen Brooke Lane, King, NC 27021KingSingle Family Home3 bed / 4.0 bathBuyer$499,90012/14/2022
- 722 Main Street, Walnut Cove, NC 27052Walnut CoveSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer$17,00002/03/2022Leon helped a buyer purchase this property for 61% under asking price
- 722 Main Street, Walnut Cove, NC 27052Walnut CoveSingle Family Home2 bed / 1 bathBuyer$17,00002/03/2022Leon helped a buyer purchase this property for 61% under asking price
- 2629 Aarons Corner Church Road, Westfield, NC 27053WestfieldSingle Family Home3 bed / 1 bathBuyer$500,00012/22/2021Leon helped a buyer purchase this property for 29% under asking price
More about Leon Inman
Leon Inman is a real estate agent with Carolina Farms & Homes - King in King, North Carolina. Leon has completed transactions in several areas including King, Winston-Salem, Tobaccoville, Pilot Mountain, Mount Airy, Walnut Cove and Walkertown. HomeLight ranks Leon as one of the top 3% of agents in King for successfully selling homes.
Our database shows that Leon has completed 74 transactions since 2009, representing the buyer in 47% of those transactions and the seller in 53% of them. Leon has been most prolific in King including representing the seller of a single family home at 1150 Center Ridge Way that sold for $295,000 in one transaction and a buyer of a single family home at 2044 Chestnut Grove that sold for $177,500 in another.
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Leon Inman