HomeLight analyzes all 3,737 Timberwood Park, TX real estate agents and compares them on their historical performance data. The top 3% of Timberwood Park real estate agents handle an average of 1235 properties and move them in 50 days.
We analyze millions of home sales to find the best performing real estate agents & REALTORS® for your personalized needs.
HomeLight analyzes all 3,737 Timberwood Park, TX real estate agents and compares them on their historical performance data. The top 3% of Timberwood Park real estate agents handle an average of 1235 properties and move them in 50 days.
"We went on contract in no time and I sold my house for more than the asking price. This proves that HomeLight did send the most knowledgeable agents about my area to work with me, and for that I recommend HomeLight to everyone..."
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