Top Real Estate Agents Say Trump Would Be Good for the Housing Market

We wanted to see what the best in the real estate business thought of the election, so we used our algorithm to find the top real estate agents across America and we asked them if they thought the results of the upcoming Presidential election could make an impact on the nation’s housing market.

In HomeLight’s on-going Top Agent Insights Survey, they answered us.

In an effort to tap into the expertise of the best agents out there, we run the Top Agent Insights Survey. We use our proprietary algorithm to compare real estate agents on their historical transaction data to find the top performing real estate agents across the United States, then we interview them.

Once we had our list of top real estate agents, we gave over 100 of them a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 as “negative impact,” 5 as “no impact,” and 10 as “positive impact.” Real estate agents were able to select a number from 1-10 that answered these two questions:

  • “How do you feel a Hillary Clinton presidency would impact the US housing market?”
  • “How do you feel a Donald Trump presidency would impact the US housing market?”

We labeled all responses under five as the percent of top agents who think the candidate will have a negative effect, and all responses over five as the percent of top agents who think the candidate will have a positive effect. All responses at five are top real estate agents who think the candidate will have no impact.

47% of top real estate agents think Trump would be good for the housing market vs. just 25% who think Clinton would be positive

47% of top real estate agents believe Trump’s effect on the housing market will be positive, while only 25% of agents believe Clinton will be positive. In comparison, 25% of agents think Trump will be negative for the housing market, while 41% of agents think Clinton will have a negative impact.

Some of the best real estate agents in the country suggest that Donald Trump would be better for the housing market than Hillary Clinton if he were elected President of the United States.

What do you think?

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